Fernandez-Ruiz VE

Fernandez-Ruiz VE

Basildon and Thurrock Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (United Kingdom) & Murcia University (Spain)


She is a Mentor Master Dissertation and Mentor Degree Dissertation at University Murcia (Spain). Working for the NHS, at Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals, UK, Nurse-Band 5. Collaborator Prof. in Master’s in Health, Women and Care. She is the Member of Organizing Committee: Collaboration in the VII AENTDE Work Days, Redefine the Diagnosis Nurse? Mamma Mia!, UCAM. May in 2009. She had Collaboration in the First National Congress of Nursing UCAM, occupational health and current research, UCAM. May in 2013 and also Collaboration in the Second National Congress of Nursing UCAM, integral and special care Vision Research, UCAM. May in 2014.In April 2018, Collaboration in the 27th Edition Congress Nursing Education & Research. She is the Member of Scientific Committee with collaborations from 2015-2018 such as Collaboration in the XXVI National Congress of Clinical Interview and Communication Assistance. December 2015. Cartagena, Collaboration in the III National Congress of Young Nursing Researchers. December 2017, Murcia and Collaboration in the I International Congress of Young Nursing Researchers. October 2018. Murcia, Spain.



Obesity has been recognized as a 21st century pandemic. The frequency of this metabolic disorder has increased during the last decades, causing cardiometabolic complications that imply an increase in the costs of public health services, which has caused it to become a current problem of Public Health. The objective of this research is to design an interdisciplinary program coordinated by nursing to achieve a holistic approach to the obese patient using the resources available from their health center or the community, without causing additional costs to the public health system. A quantitative methodology with a randomized clinical design has been developed. The sample is composed of a total of 74 subjects diagnosed with obesity.

The intervention was a 12-month interdisciplinary program and 1-year follow-up post-intervention. The nurses were present in all activities that were conducted by different professionals and were the link between all professionals and patients to clarify and solve possible difficulties.  The intervention conducted by the physical activity and sports sciences professionals consisted of four 40-minute sessions of physical activity every week during the 12 months of intervention (208 sessions in total). Psychologists conducted a 6- minute session of cognitive behavioural therapy on a monthly basis (12 sessions in total). The physician and nutritionist implemented the clinical and nutritional component. They controlled the drug–nutrient interactions and monitored any imbalance or adverse reactions that could occur in response to physical activity and dietary treatment.

The I2AO2programme did not require any economic finance or additional effort from the Healthcare Service of Murcia. This programme was conducted with public resources that were offered to the community and by the support of health care professionals. An interdisciplinary, nurse-led program improves participants cardiometabolic and psychological health, while maintaining long-term effects. The results obtained have shown that cost-effective programs can be achieved for patients. The nurse had an important role in our interdisciplinary program as a nexus between the patient, different professionals and the community.